
We hope you have found our website informative and inspiring.
Please contact us to arrange a consultation or a free, no obligation, quote.

The Manor Farm (Rear Barn)
124 Manor Road North
Thames Ditton

9am - 5.30pm, Monday to Friday

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Slatter Roboto Maintenance

Latest Blog

Ready for launch

This week saw the launch of a new website for Slatter Robot Maintenance – a clever device designed to autonomously groom, brush and decontaminate artificial sports pitches, while you have a cup of tea…...

Smartphone Security Simplified

Latest Blog takes centre stage in the Financial Times Money Review

More and more cases of smartphone theft are being reported. You’re standing at the station, mobile phone in hand reading the news, checking the weather, scrolling through Facebook… next minute it’s gone. ...

Saltdean Lido Interpretation Innstallation

Latest Blog

It all went swimmingly

This week saw the main installation of a new interpretation plan at Saltdean Lido....

Latest Blog

Looking back... and looking forward

Another year over, and a new one just begun. ...

Roland Garros 2023

Latest Blog

Love Tennis?

We were fortunate to receive an invitation to the French Open, courtesy of our clients and friends at Cancer Research Racquet....