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Now that the days are getting shorter we suddenly realise that Christmas is drawing ever closer, so it’s the ideal time to start thinking about your company’s Christmas cards.
Over the years we have created some personalised custom Christmas e-cards which can be sent out via regular email or using a mail service such as Mail Chimp.
Environmental reasons for sending e-cards
Reducing your carbon footprint should be a high priority for any business. A recent study by Exeter University in the U.K. showed that sending one commercially produced card creates about 140 grams of carbon dioxide. With about two billion cards sold annually in the U.K., that carbon footprint is roughly equivalent to manufacturing 10,000 cars per year! Compare that to the 4 grams approximate carbon footprint of sending an email.
The larger the attachment the greater the carbon footprint which is why we recommend animated gifs embedded into an email which has a relatively small file size compared to pdfs or jpgs etc… Also E-cards save on paper, printing and postage costs which might allow for a little extra spending on the office Christmas party! Cheers!
Here are a few examples of animated Christmas e-cards. We work with our clients to establish what message they wish to convay and match the style of the animation to their brand. Often customer’s wish to add specific details to make it more personal. They can also be added to the footer of your email signature to add some extra Christmas cheer throughout December.
1) Working from home
2) Santa ski jump
3) COVID-friendly Robin
4) Oxfordshire snow scene
5) Inca Santa’s Christmas delivery
Penguin takes a bow